Hi, I’m Julia.

I'm a lens-based artist, collaborator, and educator. I am a product of the Great Lakes, born and raised in Detroit, educated with a BA in Art History from the University of Dayton, and today call Chicago home. I have held many jobs and titles, but I currently work in hospitality, music, and live events.

My pedagogy encourages critical thinking and experimental constructivism. Over the past decade, I have created programming and lead workshops for ages 4-70+ in a wide range of professional environments such as: community centers, city parks, museums, public and private schools, digital labs, non-profits, and private residences. As of late, I freelance-assist other lens-based artists that have difficulty subscribing to linear educational systems or have accessibility requests that are not met by community resources. I am passionate about collaboration and problem-solving, I love working to reach a creative goal.

My artistic work is process-driven. I draw inspiration from the natural world and everyday city life. Identifying with Mercury and channeling the archetype of the Trickster, my final outputs tend to be playful, evocative, and reflective. While I predominantly work with film photography, I have also experimented with: wood-working, written word, print, motion picture, digital scanners, lights, fibers, tinctures, and music curation. Whatever the medium, the spirit remains the same - to work through life's larger lessons and enjoy the passing of time.​​​